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Úvod > Diskuse > Technické otázky > potřebuju pomoct PLZ (porty)

potřebuju pomoct PLZ (porty)

potřebuju pomoct PLZ (porty) (8.6.2008 18:46:33)

Rád hraju hru Supreme Commander, ale už od začátku mi hlasí u spousty her nil:(nekomunikuje nebo neco takovyho) a v chatu mi pomohi timhle, lae nevim co s tim. Nevím jak se porty nastavujou a taky moc anglicky tak prosim o pomoc. Basic Info Supreme Commander uses a peer-to-peer networking scheme in order to play games via GPGnet. This setup is common for real-time strategy games, where there is a definite beginning and end to each game, as opposed to a server-client game like an MMO or a first-person shooter, where players can connect to a centralized server and drop-in any time. Peer-to-peer games have more complex, stringent networking requirements, because not only are you connecting to another player's computer, all the players involved a game must have connections to all the other players. What ports should be open in order to connect to play Supreme Commander online through GPGnet? GPGnet and Supreme Commander require the following ports to be open: * Ports 30350 and 30351 opened for UDP traffic, to allow for GPGnet logins * Port 9103 open for UDP traffic, to allow for GPGnet-brokered matchmaking * Ports 6112 open to UDP traffic, to allow for SupCom gameplay. This port is among the most common ports used by online multiplayer games of all kinds. There are online tests to see if ports are open: * A good test for port 6112 is at * A more general-purpose test, called Shields Up!, can be found at Router, firewall, antivirus and networking management software can all hinder gameplay. For more information on firewalls and anti-virus software, perform knowledge base keyword searches for FIREWALL and ANTIVIRUS.

Nargon (8.6.2008 21:27:14)

Pokud nehrajes multiplayer tak te to nemusi vubec trapit. Je to dulezite jen pro multiplayer.

Lukas (9.6.2008 10:08:32)

prave ze multiplayer hraju:-D jinak by me to nezajimalo :-D. Tak mi plz popiste jak to nastavit...

Petr (9.6.2008 10:30:22)

Musis nastavit pres webove rozhrani svuj modem ci router a dane porty povolit- v tvem pripade jsou to porty 30350 30351, 9103 a 6112 pro protokol UDP-častý protokol pro multiplayer, normalne zadas IP adresu modemu nebo routeru(proste IP nejakeho zarizeni co te pripojuje na net) do weboveho prihlizece a najdes nastaveni portů, pokud neumis moc AJ, pouzij slovnik na to ti bude stacit,zadne slozite vety tam nejsou jde jen o konfiguraci, je to celkem snadny. Pripadne musis nastavit dane porty na firewallu ve Windows, pokud ho tedy pouzivas nebo i na jiném softwarovem firewallu pokud sis nejaky instaloval.

Lorkis (27.1.2009 18:57:39)

Jak poznám ip mého routeru? ve windows je tam ip masky, výchozí brána atd...

Lorkis (27.1.2009 18:59:53)

Tak jsem to našel je to výchozí brána... ale když to zadám do webového prohlížeče chce to po mě heslo... to já samozřejmě nemám =)

Shaquille (16.6.2008 17:59:35)

Najdi si v routeru NAT, ci PORT FORWARDING zjisti si ip adresu PC, kterou ti pridelil DHCP server, na kterem chces hrat. V routeru nastav NAT (PF) start 30350 end 30351 UDP (je to jednoduche) a IP adresu dej PC na kterem chces hrat... Pak uloz a mas hotovo. pomoci odkazu na forum muzes otestovat, ze porty prochazi. je dobre si v routeru nastavit, aby se PC na hrani vzdy pridelovala stejna IP adresa... abys treba po restartu ci pripojeni vice PC nedostal jinou... a pak samozrejme porty povolit ve firewallu. good game ;)

Shaquille (16.6.2008 18:00:44)

Nastavit musis samozrejme vsechny porty... * Ports 30350 and 30351 opened for UDP traffic, to allow for GPGnet logins * Port 9103 open for UDP traffic, to allow for GPGnet-brokered matchmaking * Ports 6112 open to UDP traffic, to allow for SupCom gameplay. This port is among the most common ports used by online multiplayer games of all kinds.

stalker (14.7.2008 22:24:38)

Potreboval bych s tim taky poradit....cetl jsemm si to nekolikrat ale nejak mi to neslo......nemohl by se mi nekdo ozvat na icq 390-084-197 moc Vam dekuji

stalker (14.7.2008 22:33:54)

Jo problem mam v tom ze se nejak nemuzu dostat na tu stranku sve ip adresy

stalker (14.7.2008 22:49:40)

jo a jeste jsem se chtel zeptat musim mit verejnou ip?